Philippe Velez McIntyre , is a freelance photographer and social entrepreneur. Born in Paris, he grew up in Colombia and the United States. In the beginning of the eighties he moved back to Europe, first in Madrid and then in Paris. Since the early nineties he lives and works in Amsterdam.

In his work McIntyre combines an esthetical and ethical perspective while crossing artistic, social and political disciplines. He has been especially active in fields where nature and culture meet, like ecological architecture, sustainable food and agriculture, and urban city planning. Other fields of interest are public health and social wellbeing. His approach is at the same time educational and spiritual.

Philippe McIntyre can be reached at:

All Publications, photographs, books and objects on website are available via Boekie Woekie Books by Artists, Amsterdam, except when otherwise mentioned.

All Photographs and Publications © Philippe Velez McIntyre, © Philippe McIntyre, except when otherwise mentioned.

human loom

Care workers function as a human loom, shuttling from one home to another, stiching the social fabric back together while many of their employers and shareholders, and government ministers, slash blindly at the cloth, downsizing, outsourcing and deregulating in the cause of profit.

George Monbiot